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The Prevalence and Correlates of Pulmonary Hypertension in End Stage Renal Disease

Author : Mohammed Al-Jamal, Quteiba Nuseir *, Omar Odat, Faraj Al-hazaymeh , Atef Hattab
Abstract | Full Text

Down syndrome Associated with Epstein’s Anomaly and Pulmonary Hypertension in a 2.5 Months Infant: a Case Report Study

Author : Asadollah Tanasan, Farshad Rostampour *, Ahmad jamei Khosroshahy, Milad Sanginabadi , Amin Falahi Study Type: Research | Subject: General
Abstract | Full Text

Zn Status in Gastroenteritis Children under Five Years Old

Author : Mehri Aliasgharpour *
Abstract | Full Text

Orf Virus Infection in Human (EchtymaContagiosum): A Report of Eight Cases in the North of Iran

Author : Mehrdad Taghipour, Farhang Babamahmoodi *, Parisa Arashnia , Soveid Taghipour
Abstract | Full Text

Hospital-Acquired Infections, Bacterial Causative Agents And Antibiotic Resistance Pattern In Intensive Care Units At Teaching Hospitals In North Of Iran

Author : Farhang Babamahmoodi, Fatemeh Ahangarkani , Alireza Davoudi *
Abstract | Full Text

The Relation between Metacognitive Beliefs and Mild Neurological With Positive and Negative Symptoms in Patients with Schizophrenia

Author : Reza Valizadeh, Milad Rashidbeygi, Ezatollah Alipour , Mehdi Poshtam *
Abstract | Full Text

Adherence and Nonadherence to Inhaled Corticosteroids in Asthma Patients; Factors and Consequences

Author : Mohammed AL-Jamal *, Laith AObeidat, Schereen Z AL-Huneity, Mustafa Al-haji , Alaa Tawalbeh
Abstract | Full Text

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